marți, 19 aprilie 2011

Fuck ...

  • all the people that screwed me in the past
  • all the people that still try to screw me
  • all the people i trusted and let me down
  • all the people i don't trust
  • you
  • all the parties i havn't been to
  • all the parties i havn't been invited to
  • all the poeple who messed my house when i tru a party
  • monday
  • all the people that won't even read this shit
  • religion
  • bullshit
  • your bullshit when you say "keep movin' on, you'll make it"
  • my bullshit
  • all the tears i cried
  • all the bitches that made me cry
  • all the opportunities i missed
  • all the cigarettes i smoked
  • the government
  • aliens
  • pink
  • mainstream music
  • phones
  • reality tv shows
  • stupid people
  • people i don't like
  • people who don't like me
  • words
  • the educational system
  • the fact that i'm forced to follow it
  • potato chips
  • interests
  • lies
  • deception
  • critics
  • fucked up movies
  • disney channel
  • global warming
  • high taxes
  • mainstream hip hop
  • people who beep and then don't answer the phone
  • people who beep me
  • people who think they're better than me
  • people who i think i'm better than
  • drugs
  • the police
  • the DEA
  • problems
  • stress
  • anxiousness
  • the world
  • everything else

miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011


timpul trece
e tarziu, trecut de 10
nu imi pasa
am lucrurile acasa in alta casa
deodata lasa
aprinde da o pasa
m-ai lovit
am intepenit
am zugravit
pe chip cioplit
dragoste si insecticid
pentru fluturasii din stomac care nu-mi dau pace